A hard rain on a tin roof.
Corrugated metal. Loose edges
capable of a loud rattle.
The heads of galvanized nails,
have slipped free over time.
Excuse me while I plan
the details of my life.
A highway patrol car zigzags
across the highway, slowing
traffic to a crawl.
I want to break free. Throw
the car door open and tumble
down the canyon embankment.
I want a hard run through the oil
slick he is protecting us from.
I want to plan the details.
Looking at my fingers
through the clear liquid at the
bottom of the glass. Lighting
musk incense to stick in the pot’s
dry dirt. Turning the music louder.
Tossing drooping roses on top
of old newspapers. I want to break
free, to tumble down the embankment,
free of the highway, the patrols
zigzagging my life.