A bright morning
late January,
daffodils in bloom.
I should not complain,
but I’m cold.
I watch television advise
about layering –
in New York City,
I’m in San Diego
and ruined for it.
I have a short thermometer,
68-78, my ideal.
Yesterday and today
I’m at loose ends,
wanting to goof off –
I do the clothes
trying on thing
that women periodically
do – seasonally
or with weight change
or a sudden expansion
of wardrobe.
Motivated by a
recent fiasco
of trying to dress
for church,
half the closet
thrown on the bed.
Things shift sometimes,
suddenly nothing works.
It is not always
Sometimes it is one
of those corridors
you slip through,
consciously or not,
at the end of which
you are transformed,
better or worse,
and usually
you re the only one
who knows.