She said do not hurt me, I disappear when I am in pain. He accused her of disappearing in public. She said I disappear when I am in pain. He accused her of being in pain. She said I disappear when I am in pain. He accused her of being in public. She said I disappear when I am in pain. He accused her of speaking. She said I disappear when I am in pain. He accused her. She said I disappear when I am in pain. He was busy, he did not hear her when she said I disappear when I am in pain.

She knew the shape of a silo. He did not believe in shape. Or was it silos? Was it saving? Was it saving for the future? Was it the future? There was something to believe in, that they did not share a belief in. What was it?

He said so many things she never knew what was real. He said do it, don’t talk about it. She did not know what to say. She did not know what doing was. She decided she loved him, too late. Her timing had always been problematic. He scanned. His timing was perfect. At least it was his, and ultimately, that was all that really mattered.

She explained their incompatibilities in depth, referring to his dialect as the final conflict. He criticized her vocabulary. She wept. He did not hear her tears, they were far too dry.

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