LIfe is always
a sequencing problem,
I tell him.
That’s what life is.
The kitchari is ready
& he hasn’t gone
out for cilantro.
I’m trying to learn
& remember
what life is.
I think it would
be easier to just get it down.
To let go that it’s
going to be
other than what
it is.
I think I’ll start
a list.
Not wanting to
be negative,
but merely honest
with things
like runny noses
& bills to pay.
Confusion &
Besides we Don’t
have trouble
accepting that
the pretty things
are life.
Birds & trees & flowers.
It’s just the hman
struggle we seem
to think shouldn’t
be here,
but if it weren’t
we probably
wouldn’t be either.
Sequencing is the least
of it,
which is probably
why I’m always
to get things
in order.